Holsworthy Rural Policing Update
Latest edition here Current Document (Word doc, 67 KB)
Here is a mesage from Mark James our PCSO
Dear All
There are some changes afoot within the Holsworthy Neighbourhood Policing Team. Firstly, you will note that I have signed this month's update from PC Frank Morgan & myself, as PC Morgan has taken up the role of Neighbourhood Beat Manager here at Holsworthy, following PC Mandy Brown's retirement. Secondly, we have a new Sergeant, PS Donna Gutteridge. PS Gutteridge joined us in January and is settling in very quickly. Lastly, it's 'Goodbye' from me as I will shortly be leaving for pastures new and this will be the last report I compile. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of the Parish Clerks, the Councillors themselves and those of you responsible for including our information in Parish publications, for the support you have given me over the 9 years that I have been serving in Holsworthy. Regrettably, the pandemic restrictions have meant that I haven't seen as much of you all over the last couple of years as I would have liked, but I have always felt welcomed at meetings and events I have attended over the years and will very much miss being part of your communities.
Fortunately a replacement for me has already been arranged and your new PCSO will be Jess McEldon. Jess is a very experienced PCSO and although I'm not sure when she is due to start, I am sure she will be in touch with you all in due course to introduce herself. In the meantime, I know that Frank is keen to get out and meet as many of you as possible, so could I please ask that you send notice of any upcoming Parish Council meetings, or public events, to Frank, using his email address: frank.morgan2@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk
Kind regards